Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Christmas for me has never been about Santa Claus or receiving gifts.. To me it's only been about family, caring and sharing..

When I was a kid my mom did everything she could to bring me and my sisters happiness. I felt like I had everything in the world even though it were only us.. She would always give so much to other in need. But always managed to surprise me with something.

Laying in bed and using my phone writing this post.. my tears are falling and I can't stop..but I don't want it to stop.. Because having feelings and being vulnerable is part of being human.

.. and what makes me not giving up is that I keep reminding myself I'm working hard not for myself but for them..

Now I could give up anything to just have that moment again..

Always appreciate the small things in life because those are the things that becomes big memories later on..

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

My day off

The time flies by so fast. I'm trying to catch up.. Only 2 weeks left until Christmas.. Cleaning my crime-scene-to-room.. Been changing my oil this morning at the Honda dealer ship.. Still have a lot to do..
Where did the time go?

Sunday was Miley's bday.. tried taking pics of them.. but I got tired chasing.. it's either me that's getting too old.. or they are just too energetic lol.. they moved too fast for me.. Love them too death!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Today was long.. 1 more day and off to ATL.. just having a happy moment filled with excitement right now. Found a cute dress and matching shoes that I can wear to the concert.. Hope I fit in since everybody probably gonna look gorgeous! It's gonna be cold too.. so hope I won't freeze to death lol.
original pictures from phone lol.
getting cozy with noodles and watching my korean drama.. Noodles is my best friend right now.. so good when the weather is cold =)
original iphone picture.
Last night after work I went to my uncle's place to have dinner. It was my cousin Myki's birthday. I just love them so sooo much.. My heart is filled with joy everytime I see them.
I think I made them love Hello Kitty.. Because now they are all about HK.. everytime they see HK they scream KITTY!

kiss :*

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sweet dreams!

Make me dream of the F4 from boys over flowers.. and take me to the island Goo Jon Pyo took Jan Di to.. Night!


Hihi currently watching Faith.. Love listening to the soundtracks before I fall asleep..

Love is such a beautiful thing.. If you experienced it before.. You would always want to have that feeling.. If you think you found the right one, someone you can't live without.. Think twice before messing up.. Don't do anything you'll regret for your whole lifetime. Mistakes can't be undone, neither erased.. You can only learn from it and move on.

Happy Tuesday!

Today is my day off.. So excited to not be at work! It's been a busy week for me.. 4 more days and I'm heading off to Atlanta. Just feeling so excited =)).. Can't wait until Thanksgiving cause my sister is coming to visit!! I have so much to be thankful for..

Need to run some errands.. Visit my lawyer, have lunch, cleaning, buy supplies, and study! lol.. Haven't studied in forever.

 Throwing in some ego-pics.. Don't be suprised if you only find pictures of me in my blog.. I'm mostly surrounded by work and myself. I was trying out my Nikon ML-L3 remote control for my camera. And I totally recommend remote controls for DSLR cameras!! Makes it so much easier to take even more pictures of yourself lol ;)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Last night!

Last night after a busy day at work, me and Trisha got ready together ;)
I had so much fun with this girl!
We went out for Mia's birthday.. She turned 19! I feel so old.. I remember when I was 19, it's been 3 years ago and I took the step to move into the U.S.. That's when I started to learn how to do nails and was left with a business to take care of..  Everything went so fast.. 
I'm very fortune to meet great people since I don't go to school here and I work 6 days a week from 10 am to 9 pm. It's not easy to meet friends.. especially friends you can really trust and feel comfortable with since you didn't really grew up together.. That's why I'm so soooo thankful to get into the right crowd of friends. There's no words to describe how greatful I am.
I really miss my friends in Sweden.. Sweden.... Sweden.... So many great memories I had... I've changed so much throughout the years.. But my heart and personality is still the same..
Can't wait until next weekend.. And the week after!

Friday, November 9, 2012


This week is almost over.. Sometimes working is really taking all my energy.. I wish my family was here with me... I miss mom's home-cooked food, tired of noodles.. Working this much and wasting no money on food will definitely make me rich in no time.. But unfortunately it's not what I'm aiming for. I just feel so lonely.. Wish you were here with me..

This is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been too.. I'm so happy I got to experience it.
Feels like taken from a farytail from far far away..

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Since one of my coworker is on vacation.. Trisha has been helping me at my shop.. One of the sweetest girl! She's really ambitious and helps a lot.. Not lazy like me hehe..

Anyways after running a few errands me and Trisha decided to go to Concord Mills and shop :)

And we ended up at Olive Garden for dinner. Hihi and later on that day I got surprised :) right now I'm feeling happy.. Haven't been this happy in a long time..

Monday, November 5, 2012


Ok.. My last post before going to bed. 

I forgot how fun I used to think blogging was.. It's like a way to communicate with myself haha. I'm so #foreveralone ..
Me&Mia in Atlanta for our cousin's wedding

Anyways, next week is Mia 's bday and I decided to go to Inferno with my sweet co-worker Trisha! And the week after I'm going to a concert in Atlanta!! "screaming of happiness" because it's the first time in 3 years that I don't have to work on a Saturday and Sunday. OMG can't believe this is happening..=)))))  I've been working so hard and it's been tough for me to get a day off on a weekend. I sometimes feel like a working machine..

I also found out my sister is coming home for Thanksgiving. I can't be more blessed this year.. Everything seems to fall into pieces and I can't be happier!

Thanksgiving 2009

The guys were making our Delicious Thanksgiving dinner while me and my sister were killing The Guitar Hero lol.. I don't think we lifted a finger.. They told us to leave since we were only in their way..

Good night!


This year we bought 8 big bags from Sam's Club to hand out to the little kids in the mall.. They were sooo adorable.. Especially the little Bumblebee.. I love her!!! it's one of my co-worker's niece, she's a mixed baby. And mixed babies are really beauiful.

ahem.. I went to a Costume party of course.. I was supposed to be "remember the Trojan", well that's what they called the outfit.. I guess it's kind of a warrior girl.. I skipped the headband though.. My forehead is to short for headbands lol.
This is what I'm supposed to look like lol.. She's drop dead gorgeous!


Instead I turned out like this..
I had a blast with my favorite cousin Mia though.. People have to stop tapping me on my shoulder and think that I'm Mia lol :P.. It's funny hihi =)
On Halloween last year I decided to dress up as a fairy.
Never gonna wear wings to any parties again lol.. I kept people away by hitting them..

Blogging from mobile

Testing the blog on my phone lol.. I'm pretty new to this..
Smile and the world seems brighter ;)
My super cute nails!! I'm in love with Hello Kitty, no doubts about it! And pink makes me happy =)

Back again!

I almost forgot that my blog existed.. Been blogging since 7 or 8 years ago and I kinda miss it.. My blog has always been helping me relaxing through my emotions and it "stores" my memories so I can look back whenever I'm bored.

My blog will only contain things about me, my thoughts, my friends&family and things I encounter on my everyday life. If you are not interested, please don't waste your time here.

I'm ready for a fresh start and new beginning..